Hello, Everybody!
I’m Carole Simpson and I’m so pleased you found your way to my website.
After females turn 65, society would have us believe that women lose their beauty, their brains, and their bodaciousness. I disagree. Older women keep all that and gain something more- WISDOM.
When I was a news correspondent and anchor, every day people were always asking for my opinion on the news and everything else. While I wanted so much to respond, I couldn’t. A journalist has to be objective. Now I’m retired. And free to speak my mind.
There are a lot of things out there to talk about.
i have
Something. To. Say.
My Fabulous Canary Islands Vacation
Hello everybody. I have something to say about fabulous vacations. You could never guess where I am right now. I’m in Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Thanks to some wealthy friends, this vacation was made possible for me. We are staying in the most beautiful house...
George Floyd did not Cause his own Death
Hello Everybody: I have something to say about the George Floyd murder trial. The prosecutors show again and again the awful images of Floyd’s face contorted in pain, the sound of his voice calling, “I can’t breathe.” The knee of a white cop cutting off his air...
Zoom Cocktails
Hello Everybody! Add one more innovation created by the confluence of Zoom and the pandemic. It’s called Zoom Cocktails. In my high rise condo in downtown Boston, the managers have come up with an activity to keep the quarantined residents occupied. Mixing exotic...
Gimme My Shot!
Hello everybody: I have something to say about shots. In the great musical, “Hamilton,” Alexander sings during the Revolution that he wants to have his shot. I’ve been singing about shots, too. My reason, not so bold. I just want a Covid-19 shot. Gimme my shot. It...
Inauguration Jubilation
Hello Everybody: I have something to say about the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Now I know once again how it feels, to be happy. I haven’t been happy for four years. Inauguration Day, it was wonderful to see the US...
Trump Has Gotta Go, Now!
Hello Everybody. I have something to say about 2021. Yes, already. After only a few days of it. It’s not turning out to be the better year we prayed for. 2021 is so far—between Trump and the pandemic--just a frightful continuation of 2020. On January 6th—another...