Zip It on the Ailments, Old Folks!

Sep 13, 2019Health, Something. To. Say.0 comments

Hello, Everybody. I have something to say about old people’s complaints about getting old. It’s boring.

      Who wants to hear all about their aches and pains, and operations and what the doctors said? I know—it’s very important to them, but not to the rest of us. Now, I’m not talking about people with life-threatening diseases that most people would want to know about. I’m talking about visiting or calling up a friend and having them talk only about the things that hurt. Their knees, their hips, their stomach, their back. That’s all they want to talk about.

      Lately, I’ve been hearing complaints from all kinds of friends and relations. I guess it’s because there are more older people alive today than ever in our history. The 74 million baby boomers are getting old and, by God, they’re going to tell you about it. But if they don’t start talking about things other than their pains, people will avoid them and stop calling or visiting. Then the old folks will be lonely, and they’ll complain about that.

      Aging is inevitable, universal and terminal. It is what it is. So, you may as well make the most of it and stop your belly aching. Nobody wants to hear it.

See you next time.
