Men Exposed
Hello Everybody. I have something to say about the exposure of male genitalia.
I can’t believe that I just said that and that I’m going to talk about it. But someone should. And since I’m a wise old woman, it may as well be me. I was reminded of the issue when Ronan Farrow’s book was released detailing the alleged sexual assaults on women by Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer. They both apparently exposed themselves to women. And of course, there was former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, who sent pictures of his manhood to women on social media.
I have to tell you I just don’t get it. Why do men think women want to see their private parts? From all the women I know, of many ages, they would just as soon not see them. Men, even though you may think your stuff is attractive and irresistible, the average woman does not agree.
I did some research. Yes, there are studies. They showed that men who often exhibit themselves have big egos and are proud of what they’ve got and want to show it off. They use that to exercise power and dominance over women. They tend to be sexist and disrespectful of women.
Men, have you ever heard of a magazine for women that features images of male genitals? There aren’t any. No market for it. Women don’t want to see that. So, keep your stuff to yourself and in your pants zipped up, until–if you’re lucky–some woman wants the visual. But if I were you, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
What You’re Saying