Feelings – Part 1
Hello Everybody. I have been away awhile. It was a bad month. But I come back because I have something to say about feelings. This pandemic has got me bewitched, bothered and bewildered. I always prided myself in my ability to cope with situations. But we never had anything like this, and I can’t. This vicious virus is making me feel helpless and frightened. I can’t be the only person with these feelings. And studies show I’m not. Nearly half of Americans are developing some kind of mild mental problems, like depression, stress, anxiety, fear, paranoia and even substance abuse…
Look at this. I saw this painting on an online art gallery and I had to have it. It’s called My World Is Falling Apart. Look at it. Muddled colors, an undefined landscape, fuzzy atmosphere. It captures perfectly how I feel about my world falling apart. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Nobody knows. Is this the beginning of the end of civilization as we once knew it? Or the apocalypse?
Please don’t get me started on Donald Trump, who didn’t want to put us in a panic. We are in a panic because he didn’t tell us the truth and he has done nothing really to stop the spread of the coronavirus. No wonder fear and anxiety are making most of us a little crazy.
I’ll tell you what the experts say we ought to do if we’re to survive this when I see you next time.
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