Too Many Dead Americans
Hello Everybody:
I have something to say about the more than a quarter of a million Americans who have died after contracting Covid-19. Just think of that. More than 250-thousand people, who were alive in February, are dead and gone in November. Not only lives, but families and dreams and careers, destroyed.
This virus is no respecter of person or status. It is an equal opportunity killer. Across the whole of the United States the virus has spread its deadly tentacles. The young and old, rich and poor, black and white, urban and rural, have all succumbed to the disease that literally steals your breath away until you die.
What has been the national response? Nothing. Trump hasn’t talked about the dead Americans, nor comforted their survivors. There’s been no flags flying at half-staff. No National Prayer Breakfast. No day of remembrance. What are we waiting for? Half a million dead?
These folks were our fellow citizens. They were people like you and me. They were victims. They should be mourned by all of us. And most important, all of us should do everything we can to kill the virus and end the dying.
Until next time.
What You’re Saying