Trump Has Gotta Go, Now!
Hello Everybody.
I have something to say about 2021. Yes, already. After only a few days of it. It’s not turning out to be the better year we prayed for. 2021 is so far—between Trump and the pandemic–just a frightful continuation of 2020.
On January 6th—another American day that will live in infamy—I was so happy in the morning. In Georgia, the two Democrats won Senate seats and the state turned true blue. I was so happy. My people are from Georgia.
By the afternoon, my hopes for America’s political future were dashed when I watched the violence and mayhem at the US Capitol. The armed assault on the People’s House. Never, have I ever…never. I fought back the impulses to cry and to throw up. American-grown terrorists scaled the walls—they disbanded the Congress.
Trump caused this. He begged his supporters, including white nationalists, to come to Washington and fight—fight for him to remain president. He sent them to the Capitol. That creep, that idiot, that crazy man. Now he has blood on his hands. He’s got to go. Not by Biden’s inauguration, but now. Somebody figure out how to do that, but get it done. He’s more dangerous to America than ever.
Hope to see you next time.
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