Gimme My Shot!
Hello everybody:
I have something to say about shots.
In the great musical, “Hamilton,” Alexander sings during the Revolution that he wants to have his shot. I’ve been singing about shots, too. My reason, not so bold. I just want a Covid-19 shot. Gimme my shot.
It took a few frustrating days of going to websites and making telephone calls, before I finally got an appointment at a local hospital.Look at me leaning away from the nurse’s imposing needle, but there was nothing to it. Scarcely felt a thing.
Afterwards I had to go to the waiting room for 15 minutes to make sure I didn’t have a bad reaction. So, I’m sitting there and I look around and I see all of these old people, really old people. And then It came to me, these people are my contemporaries, the over 75’s. I had just never appreciated until then how really old I must look.
But I have a question. Why are the states making it so hard for people to get Covid vaccinations, especially old people? They are short of vaccine and have haphazard programs. The least they can do is get it together… and give us our shots.
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