Sep 26, 2020 | 2020 Election, Crazy Town, Government, Racism, Republicans, Something. To. Say., Trump |
No friendly hello this time, my fellow Americans. This is a 5-alarm fire. It’s Defcon 5. It’s code red. It’s time to scream: WTF?
If you haven’t watched the news in the past few days, then you don’t know that Donald Trump is planning to hurl this country into the biggest constitutional crisis the US has ever seen. He would destroy our democracy to avoid losing the election to Joe Biden. He’s so sick and power-hungry that he wants to install himself as the supreme leader for life. An American dictator. To him, rules do not apply.
So, what is he up to? He’s saying the Democrats are trying to rig the election with mail in ballots. If Biden wins, he will say the election was stolen from him. He indicates he may not leave office. He’ll just remain president. Never in the 244 years of our history has a president dared to pull such a stunt. Trump can’t do that. The people decide with their votes who will be president.
Why all the alarms I was setting off? Because some historians say this could lead to America’s Second civil war. The country is so divided. Some of Trump’s supporters are gun-totin’ white nationalists who have been itching for years for a race war. Oh, and would Russian President Putin invade to help his old pal, Trump? And all of this during racial tensions and a pandemic.
What can you do? On November 3rd, you have got to vote, you and everybody you know. You have got to let your political leaders know that you will vote against them if they don’t denounce Trump’s shenanigans. Folks this is deadly serious. It’s just about as bad as it can get.
See you again.
Jan 28, 2020 | Bad Behavior, Congress, Republicans, Something. To. Say., Trump
Hello Everyone:
I have something to say about Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial. It’s Crazy Town.
I have watched many hours of the coverage. I heard the Democratic House Managers lay out their case against the President. They made compelling arguments that Trump should be removed from office because he abused his power and obstructed Congress. They had evidence. And Congressman Adam Schiff was eloquent.
And then I watched Trump’s defense lawyers lay out their case for Trump to remain in office because he didn’t do anything wrong. He didn’t abuse his power because he is all-powerful. Oh, really. But they had no evidence. They tried to mount scholarly arguments that the impeachment law didn’t apply to Trump, and they also lied. Why not, they represent Trump and he lies all the time.
It’s all too sad. Because witnesses or not, the fix is in. The Republican Senators, like lemmings, will follow Mitch McConnell into the sea. Trump will remain in office.
And who’s going to suffer over the next eight or nine months of his term—maybe even four more years? We will. The American people. And our country.
If that’s not what you want, then you better get out there and vote. Not only in November but in your primaries and caucuses that will be coming up.
See you next time.
Dec 6, 2019 | Congress, Republicans, Something. To. Say.
Republicans Deaf and Dumb on Impeachment
Hello Everybody. I have something to say about Republicans.
I’m talking specifically about those elected to Congress as the people’s representatives. Could someone please tell me what turned congressional Republicans into a ragtag band of sycophants bowing and scraping to President Donald Trump?
These Republicans were on display in all their vainglory during the House hearings into the impeachment of President Trump. They squealed, shouted, interrupted and insulted witnesses while putting on a pitiful defense of the president. They had no facts, no evidence, just “hoax”, “witchhunt” and “scam.” If you watched the testimony and had only half a brain it would probably be clear, that our president is corrupt and should not only be impeached but kicked out of office.
Yet, except for Senator Mitt Romney some time ago, not one Republican in Congress has had the cojones to speak out against the President’s misconduct. Aren’t there some— one or two— Republicans who will say Trump has violated his oath of office? But they say nothing. Nothing.
A close friend of mind says the congressional Republicans act like they are in a cult. A Trump cult. I can imagine that— like they drank the Kool-Aid and can’t and won’t, speak ill of Trump, under any circumstances. Are they so anxious to get re-elected that they are putting party before country? God help us. I don’t think history will look kindly on the Congressional Republicans of today.
Jun 25, 2019 | Bad Behavior, Politics, Republicans, Something. To. Say., Women |
Good Riddance to Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Hello Everybody.
I have something to say about Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Yes, go home to Arkansas because all you did was make the job of White House PressSecretary a mockery. Only three women have held that vaunted position, but you took it and destroyed it.
Oh, I know her beloved President Trump, was behind it because he hates the press. But she marched in lockstep with him. And who suffered the most? The American people she swore to serve.
She was supposed to give on a daily basis, pertinent and truthful information to the White House press corps so they could in turn, report the news to the public. But she just stopped talking to the press in any formal way and left that to the President. She used the White House driveway to dribble out a few answers to waiting reporters. And the worst? She lied.
Trump thinks she should run for governor of Arkansas. It is one of the poorest, hungriest and least educated states in the country. Sarah—got any good ideas on improving Arkansas? I didn’t think so. So long Sarah, Huckabee Sanders, and thanks for nothing.
Mar 2, 2012 | Politics, Republicans |
Rush Limbaugh, a blowhard who has been going too far, for far too long, has now made it abundantly clear that he hates women. America’s highest rated and highest paid radio broadcaster is a dangerous misogynist.
The venom he spewed at Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke, a private citizen, is unprecedented. An overweight, overpaid, hateful “little” man, who always plays the “big” man, has victimized her. This young woman simply had the temerity to testify in support of a woman’s right to health insurance coverage for contraception.
For this Limbaugh calls her a “slut,” a “prostitute” who, he says, wants to be paid for having sex. He even suggested that if she wants money for her sexual activity, he should at least be able to see it taking place. How humiliating, how embarrassing.
I became a victim of his nasty talk on the radio, after I moderated the 1992 presidential debate featuring President George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot. The day after the huge political event—watched by 91 million people here and abroad—Limbaugh called me a “femi-Nazi” who caused Bush to stumble so Clinton could outperform the President and win the debate. (That was a lie.) He said I was a liberal Democrat and never should have been chosen as moderator. (Another lie.) He ranted for 15 minutes about how awful I was. The innuendo, that I was an unqualified and biased black woman.
Within hours of that radio show I started getting death threats by telephone and over the next few days hundreds of letters flooded my office from people who warned me I would be killed, wished I was dead, or planning to shoot me themselves. For about a week armed bodyguards followed me everywhere to provide protection from any Limbaugh “ditto-heads” with guns and a violent streak.
Does he talk about women the way he does for ratings? He surely couldn’t believe all his nonsense talk. Or is he an evil man who wants to yank out from under our Easy Spirits, all the progress we have made. To men like Limbaugh, the advances of women are threatening. That’s why they are “little” men. They can’t stand the fact that females can–not only do what men do–but can have babies, too. And with contraception we hold the ultimate power over society’s growth or decline. Maybe that’s why Neanderthals like Rush, want to force women to bear babies no matter what the circumstances.
Women will not go back. We may be on the cusp of the third women’s rights struggle in US history—suffrage in the early 1900’s, equal rights in the 70’s and now, the new assault on reproductive rights, being given boisterous voice by Limbaugh. Bring it on.
Four wives? Rush can’t seem to get it right. Sounds like he has a woman problem. I met him and one of his wives at the ABC Washington Bureau in the early 90’s. She was a tiny, curvaceous aerobics instructor. Gee, I wonder who left whom?
Jul 25, 2011 | Democrats, Politics, Republicans |
The past couple of weeks in Washington have been insane. Congressional and White House meetings over debt relief and deficit reduction look like a wicked dance of death between Democrats and Republicans in the political theater called Divided Government.
The negotiations…well, there really weren’t negotiations on both sides. The Democrats just folded in the face of almost every GOP proposal. The behind closed door maneuverings are not about getting Americans back on their feet but about which party is the last standing on its feet.
After the mid term elections last fall, President Obama and Congress were all about jobs. Yet, have you heard anybody in this current political debacle making jobs the priority? Has there been serious discussion about reducing the 9.2 percent unemployment rate? Oh, the phrase “job creation” has been bandied about. And the Republicans frequently talk about helping the “job creators.” (Read that “the rich.”) But the people who have lost their jobs, their homes, and their dignity are on the sidelines. More than 14 million Americans.
The debt ceiling must be raised. Everybody agrees to that. But the Republicans have turned what–in the past–would have been an easy vote, into a major undertaking. They want to tackle the long-term deficit by cutting spending on social programs including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid; calling for a constitutional amendment to balance the budget; and, for God’s sake, don’t impose any more taxes on the wealthy.
I teach at a college and I suspect that many of the students accepted for admission, as well as returning students, may not be in our classrooms this fall. We saw it last year. Their parents have lost jobs and can’t afford the tuition and other expenses. Because there have been cuts in federal and state financial aid. Their dreams of earning a college degree may be dashed forever.
I don’t want to hear about what happens to the deficit in 2015 or 2020. I want to hear about the unemployed who desperately need and want to go to work now, right now.
Shouldn’t there be some quid pro quo that will relieve the rich of more taxes only if they create a specific number of jobs. They’ve got to give up something.
In the face of the gridlock in Washington and the seeming lack of concern for the citizens of this country, I’m reminded of a part of the Declaration of Independence in which says government should secure the rights of the people to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It then states:
“…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
You see our country is based on the Right of the People, not just the rights of Tea Partiers or the rich and powerful. Don’t we need to remind them?
Jun 22, 2011 | Politics, Republicans, Women |
So, we have two women in the Republican Party who have designs on the highest office in the land. I must admit I favored Hillary Clinton in the last presidential election. I have been waiting for the day a woman would become President of the United States. But could I vote for a Michelle Bachmann or a Sarah Palin? Duh. No.
Are these the most qualified women the Republicans can put forward? I don’t think even the Party believes that. There are some women and then there are some other women. Where are the other women? You know, the smart ones?
Bachmann and Palin seem to have good credentials when you read their bios. Both held elective office. They broke barriers for women. They are wives and mothers. They had careers before entering politics.
And for those that care, they are physically attractive and telegenic, so important in today’s TV-dominated political campaigns.
But then Michelle and Sarah speak. Out of the mouths of these “babes” come some of the most uninformed statements and backward political policy positions you hear from the radical right wing.
They are “card-carrying” members of the Tea Party Movement. Tea Partiers were protesting on the Capitol steps and spat on Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver and shouted “nigger” again and again at civil rights icon, Georgia Rep. John Lewis. I did not hear Bachmann or Palin denounce the vile behavior.
I am really talking about their comments that are just laughable. Could Michelle Bachmann be this dumb?
Bachmann: “The Founding Fathers worked tirelessly until slavery was no more.” She is wrong and nearly 150 years off for when slavery really ended in the U.S.
Bachmann: Speaking in New Hampshire, the first primary state. “You’re the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord.” No, Michelle, that would be Massachusetts.
Bachmann: Told Minnesotans she wanted them “armed and dangerous” to fight an energy tax, which would reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
She doesn’t know U.S. history and doesn’t believe scientific evidence and she thinks she can be President?
Sarah Palin has so many crazy quotations it was difficult to pick a few.

Palin: Talking about Paul Revere after taking a tour of his home. “He, who, warned, uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells…” Blah, blah. What is going on in her head? (I won’t answer that.)
Palin: At a motorcyle rally in Washington, DC, while riding a Harley. “I love the smell of emissions.”
Palin: About NATO bombing in Libya. “Do we use war? Do we use squirmish? What is it?” That statement should make many people squirm.
While both Representative Bachmann and former Governor Palin are wildly popular with some Americans, I don’t get it. They are embarrassing to the nation and especially to women.
I wish they’d quietly leave the political stage before doing damage to women who are really qualified to be President of the United States.
Jan 7, 2011 | Economy, Republicans |
The oaths have been taken, the Speaker’s gavel has passed from Democrat to Republican in the House, and new members flocked to TV cameras to blather about the “new day” in Washington. Republicans railed about how this new 112th Congress will repeal laws passed by the Democratic majority on Obama’s behalf; Democrats vowed, “not over our dead bodies.” They are all now ensconced in the U.S. Capitol for the next two years of President Obama’s term. Hold on to your seats. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
As soon as he received the gavel from Democrat Nancy Pelosi making him the new Speaker of the House, Ohio Representative John Boehner promised the American people that the 112th Congress would give them their country back. I never did know who got it and where they took it. Oh, yes, Tea Party supporters blame President Obama what some would call, his “gang of thieves.”
Republican California Congressman Darrell Issa recently said unwisely, “Obama is one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times.” Later he backtracked and said, “The Obama Administration is one of the most corrupt in modern times.” Has Rep. Issa forgotten about President Nixon and the Watergate scandal? Or President Reagan’s selling arms to Iran, an avowed enemy of the United States?
But Issa promises, as the new chair of the Government Reform and Oversight Committee, that he will dig deep to ferret out Obama “corruption,” while his colleagues try to make good on their promises to the Tea Party, corporate America, and the hard right GOP base, to upend everything the President has done, good or bad.
But what about the jobs? The unemployment rate has gone down, thank you kindly, but before the 112th was seated. I didn’t hear any Republicans talk about the country’s greatest challenge, getting Americans back to work. All the talk was about getting Obama.
I contemplate all of this after reading a report that at least seven states are experimenting with a four-day school week. Six others are considering it.
Because the economy has left most of our states nearly bankrupt, the shortened school week is cutting school budgets by 20 percent in the cost of transportation, heating and staff. The school days are longer, like 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. But Fridays are off. Let our children’s education pay the economic burden? Do we really want to do that?
Recent statistics show that among 34 nations, American 15-year-olds ranked 25th in math and 17th in science and reading. Chinese students, you might have guessed were number one in both categories. The last thing our kids need is less school.
While Congress fiddles with scores to settle, our children’s academic achievement continues its slow burn. The 112th should take heed, but it won’t. There’s too much money to be had from wealthy special interest groups. Our children don’t have any cash to spread into the pockets of those members of Congress who have little interest in the least of them. Children are still our future. Neglect them, neglect America.
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