My New Vlog
If you had asked me five years ago whether I would be doing a vlog at my age, I would have laughed. But when I retired, I felt the call of the camera once again and thought “I can do that! I can be a vlogger.” But here’s the thing. I never thought I would have to become a one-woman production band.
Here’s what it takes: I first search my living room, bedroom, office and kitchen to find a relevant background. I position a light and set up my iPhone camera on a tripod and check the sound and video. Then—one more important step before I start— hair and makeup… in my bathroom.
Let’s not even talk about editing and posting. (Secretly, I love the whole process.)
I’m proof you can teach an old beeatch new tricks!
2020 Election Dilemma
Hello, Everybody: I have something to say about the Presidential Election. I have personally vilified Donald Trump for his actions, words and deeds, ever since I began this video blog more than a year ago. To me, he was one of the worst things, one of the worst people...
Pandemic Fatigue
Hello Everybody. I have something to say about pandemic fatigue. I didn’t know that’s what it was. All I know is that a couple of weeks ago, my psyche went into a dark place. I was so sad. I felt little joy in watching the news or a scary movie on Netflix. I started...
No friendly hello this time, my fellow Americans. This is a 5-alarm fire. It’s Defcon 5. It’s code red. It’s time to scream: WTF? If you haven’t watched the news in the past few days, then you don’t know that Donald Trump is planning to hurl this country into...
Feelings – Part 2
Hello Everybody. Last time, I said I would have something to say about how to maintain our mental health during the pandemic. So, I consulted the medical community and here are some tips. First: Try to keep up with a daily routine—getting up and going to bed at the...
Feelings – Part 1
Hello Everybody. I have been away awhile. It was a bad month. But I come back because I have something to say about feelings. This pandemic has got me bewitched, bothered and bewildered. I always prided myself in my ability to cope with situations. But we never had...
The Quarantine 15
Hello Everybody. I have something to say about the Quarantine 15. Have you stepped on the scale lately? I bet in the past four months you’ve been eating stuff you swore off years ago. Like the so-called Freshman 15 pounds you gain in college, people are putting on the...
Time for a Black Female Veep
Hello Everybody. I have something to say about vice presidential candidates. Is it time now for a black woman to be chosen to run? You’re damned right it is. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden announced that he will choose a woman as his running mate. But...
Americans Unmasked, Americans Die
Hello everybody. I have something to say about the masking of America. I watched the most recent news coverage of the pandemic. And that virus is just going crazy right now, especially in the south and southeast. Half the states are seeing big spikes in infections and...
And A Child Shall Lead Them
Hello Everybody, I have something to say about the healing power of children. The awful events of the past week and a half left me in the dumps. My days were dark and my nights sleepless. Then I remembered some videos of children that gave me cheer and I watch them...