My New Vlog
If you had asked me five years ago whether I would be doing a vlog at my age, I would have laughed. But when I retired, I felt the call of the camera once again and thought “I can do that! I can be a vlogger.” But here’s the thing. I never thought I would have to become a one-woman production band.
Here’s what it takes: I first search my living room, bedroom, office and kitchen to find a relevant background. I position a light and set up my iPhone camera on a tripod and check the sound and video. Then—one more important step before I start— hair and makeup… in my bathroom.
Let’s not even talk about editing and posting. (Secretly, I love the whole process.)
I’m proof you can teach an old beeatch new tricks!
We Are Women, Hear Us Roar
Should there be any doubt now that women can handle presidential debates, as well as men? That they can conduct a live television event that lasts for 90 minutes before an audience of 60 million viewers? That they can be smart, bold and professional in dealing with...
Fight Women, Reelect Obama
Barefoot, pregnant and staying home. That’s where Republican men apparently want to see women of the 21st Century. They have begun their endgame by chipping away at women’s reproductive rights. Predominantly white male-dominated legislatures in 20 states have...
Limbaugh Wages New War On Women
Rush Limbaugh, a blowhard who has been going too far, for far too long, has now made it abundantly clear that he hates women. America’s highest rated and highest paid radio broadcaster is a dangerous misogynist. The venom he spewed at Georgetown University law student...
The Real Truth About Being Old and Female
Who would have thought 14 million viewers would tune in to NBC’s broadcast of the Betty White Special celebrating her 90th birthday. The endearing “Golden Girl” was feted by some of the most popular stars of the day, as well as the President of the United States. It...
My 2011 Top Ten Black Hits and Misses
Add mine to the plethora of Top Ten lists that inundate us at every year’s end. Mine is different. It looks at men and women of African-descent, who unwittingly gave the image of black people a boost or a bust. Topping my winners and losers is the inimitable,...
Justice Thomas, We Still Believe Her!
Twenty years ago this month the nation watched the live spectacle of the Clarence Thomas - Anita Hill hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which was considering the fitness of Judge Thomas to fill the enormous shoes left on the U.S. Supreme Court by the...
Sexploitation of the News
I can’t swear to the veracity of this incident but the faculty believes it happened. As the story goes, one of the journalism graduates from my college applied for a job at a small television station. The executive interviewing her asked if she had ever considered...
What About Jobs?
The past couple of weeks in Washington have been insane. Congressional and White House meetings over debt relief and deficit reduction look like a wicked dance of death between Democrats and Republicans in the political theater called Divided Government. The...
Sister of Mine
“Mom had a massive stroke,” my nephew, Tony, called to tell me in a breathless voice. “She’s being moved to ICU.” The words stabbed my heart. My pulse began to race. I started to itch. My only sibling, Jackie, could die. I asked my nephew to let me know as soon...