No friendly hello this time, my fellow Americans. This is a 5-alarm fire. It’s Defcon 5. It’s code red. It’s time to scream: WTF?
If you haven’t watched the news in the past few days, then you don’t know that Donald Trump is planning to hurl this country into the biggest constitutional crisis the US has ever seen. He would destroy our democracy to avoid losing the election to Joe Biden. He’s so sick and power-hungry that he wants to install himself as the supreme leader for life. An American dictator. To him, rules do not apply.
So, what is he up to? He’s saying the Democrats are trying to rig the election with mail in ballots. If Biden wins, he will say the election was stolen from him. He indicates he may not leave office. He’ll just remain president. Never in the 244 years of our history has a president dared to pull such a stunt. Trump can’t do that. The people decide with their votes who will be president.
Why all the alarms I was setting off? Because some historians say this could lead to America’s Second civil war. The country is so divided. Some of Trump’s supporters are gun-totin’ white nationalists who have been itching for years for a race war. Oh, and would Russian President Putin invade to help his old pal, Trump? And all of this during racial tensions and a pandemic.
What can you do? On November 3rd, you have got to vote, you and everybody you know. You have got to let your political leaders know that you will vote against them if they don’t denounce Trump’s shenanigans. Folks this is deadly serious. It’s just about as bad as it can get.
See you again.

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